
Snich Café de RI


• High grown coffee up to 1,400 meters of the region „Lagos de Montebello“ close to the Guatemaltecan border

• Organization of young producers who prefer to grow coffee than to migrate.

• Banana trees as shadow for coffee plants generate a second income

General Data:

• Address: Carretera Comitán – La Trinitaria, Col. Copalar, La Trinitaria, Chiapas, C.P.: 30160, México

• Responisible for Sales: Juan Carlos López Morales, Tel. (+52) 963 121 2050,


• The organisation was founded on 18 March, 2021 with the objective to enter into the international market in order to get a better income for the producers and so to improve their living conditions.

• The members are mostly young people who see their future in the production of high quality coffee – instead of migration.

• The main problema the cooperative is facing is the lack of funds for the harvest. In the last season 2020/21 the cooperative could have sold 6 containers but because of lack of money for gathering this volume, the cooperative only sold 2 containers. Therefore, the cooperative has become a founder member of CAFÉ NAYAL which beside supporting their members in sales also tries to organize funds for the harvest gathering.

• The mayority of the members live close to the natural reserve „Lagos de Montebello“ which is near the border to Guatemala. This mountain region is covered by virgin forests in elevations of 700 to 1,400 meters. Because of the elevation and the forests it rains the whole year and it does not become very hot. Therefore, they do not plant big and dense trees for shadows, but among the pines they plant banana trees which allow them to get a second income. For the autarc economy of these families this is an import second economic base.

• SNICH has 145 members (31 women, 113 men) organized in several group and they have their own warehouse in La Trinitaria close to Comitán.


• Hectares: 455

• Altitude: from 700 to 1400 meters

• Production volume in kilogram of pergamino: 228,018

• Varieties of Coffee: Geisha, Oro Azteca, Bourbón, Costa Rica 95, Mundo Novo, Caturra

• Offered Volume: 172.500 kg Pergamino = 138.000 kg Oro


• Mayacert

• FLO-Cert




Café Nayal S.A.P.I.

Calle Central Norte No. 10

Yajalón, C.P. 29930

Chiapas, México


Pascual López Gutiérrez

Tel: (+52) 919 686 0022


Responsible for sales:

Andrea Schlehuber

Tel: (+52) 5585 73 26 72

Tel: (+43) 664 35 19 140
