About Us


• Café Nayal is a platform of 7 coffee cooperatives – representing 4,359 small farmers (women and   men) in Chiapas, Mexico.

• Café Nayal was recently founded in the first months of 2021.

• There are two main reasons for the founder members to join together: the first reason was to get   better market access, especially to the international Fair Trade and Organic Market, and the second reason was to organize funds to finance the gathering of coffee in the harvest season. The cooperatives need to pay at least a part of the price to the small farmers at the moment of gathering the harvest because those cannot wait until the payment of the final international client will have arrived.

• Furtheron, CAFÉ NAYAL supports its members in issues around the certifications, organic production and export logistics.

WHO ARE WE (Founder Members):

We are proud to offer a high-quality coffee of the best coffee regions in Chiapas, with high SCAA point qualifications and organically grown taking care of the environment in these mountainous regions often close to natural reserves like Lagos de Montebello, Reserva El Triunfo, Sierra Norte, Selva Ladancona, Sierra Mariscal.

On our coffee farms, an abundance of life and diversity can be found – and our farmers are quite aware of their responsibility to take care of the maintenance of the ecological equilibrium.

Many of our farmers are young indigenous people living still their culture – seeing a future for themselves and their families in growing coffee instead of migration.



Farmers with sustainable income and livelihoods in dignity.


Improve farmers‘ income through increased coffee sales, especially to the Fair Trade and Organic market.


There are three ways how CAFÉ NAYAL operates:


1) CAFÉ NAYAL works as a service platform offering to its members to find clients for their coffee and to find funds to finance the gathering of the coffee in the harvest season. The cooperative members pay CAFÉ NAYAL for this service based on the sold volume. CAFÉ NAYAL does not become the owner of the coffee or the funds. The contract between the client and cooperative, and financial institution and cooperative is a direct one. – This way is especially foreseen for exports of green coffee.

2) The coffee client buys coffee from CAFÉ NAYAL and pays CAFÉ NAYAL who is buying from and paying its cooperative members. The same happens with the financial institutions which provide funds to CAFÉ NAYAL. – This way is especially foreseen for sales of parchment coffee to the transnational companies which operate in Mexico.

3) Besides the two above options, the cooperative members can sell directly to any client they want and they can get any fund directly from any financial institution – without any interference of CAFÉ NAYAL.






Café Nayal S.A.P.I.

Calle Central Norte No. 10

Yajalón, C.P. 29930

Chiapas, México


Pascual López Gutiérrez

Tel: (+52) 919 686 0022

Email: pascual.lopez.gutierrez@cafenayal.com

Responsible for sales:

Andrea Schlehuber

Tel: (+52) 5585 73 26 72

Tel: (+43) 664 35 19 140

Email: andrea.schlehuber@cafenayal.com